“Enpo Saryo – A Distant Tea House” is an imaginative restaurant created by HULS Gallery to inspire people with the beauty of food and dining. We aim to introduce a series of full-course meals that will take you beyond the ordinary but can be prepared at home, created exclusively for HULS by innovative chefs from Japan and around the world. Enjoy the harmonious combination of these special dishes with unique lacquerware, ceramics, and other tableware carefully selected by HULS Gallery. Complete with inspirational photographs and full recipes in both Japanese and English, and available online through the HULS Gallery website and social media.
The first course of this summer will be prepared by accomplished chef Miyuki Shigemura, who will share a collection of her dishes sure to give you a sense of the season. We hope you will join us at Enpo Saryo.
"Enpo Saryo - Special page"